Dedis write.. my father, Lee Irving Greene,
1897-1970 was raised in the Cowansville- Clarenceville area. His parents were Herbert Fargo Greene and Edna Jane Clark . Our family roots go back 3-4 generations in that area. I’m looking for any obits or census records that might tell me a bit about the lives of those
ancestors. I do have photos of several generations that I could share, as well as a “mystery” couple that I can’t identify but I believe are family.
My father's parents were Herbert Fargo Greene, born March 27 1858, St Sebastian LeGranit Quebec, died July 6 1921,Clarenceville . Edna Jane Clark Greene, born Dec 17,1861, died Oct 14 1920. He married Edna on May 25, 1880. Theirs was a big family, Grant, Ida Carlton, Minnie, Lee,

Myrtle and Ethel Greene. Herbert worked as a live stock speculator, butcher and farmer according to census records .He and Edna attended the Methodist church.
When they were first married they lived with Edna’s parents.
My paternal great grandparents were Heman Green, born Feb 9 1826, Brookville Quebec, died Aug 25 1918. He married Almira Johnson born Nov 18 1919, died, Nov 18, 1919 in Clarenceville, on Oct 18 1847 at the Episcopal church. I’m thankful to have a copy of his obituary which I could share if anyone is interested. Email me is you have any information to share with Dedie
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